We would like to remind the public that today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and the beginning of the international campaign “16 Days of Activism against Violence against Women”.
In this context, the “LIFE WITHOUT VIOLENCE” Network, which shared with us more information on this topic, appeals to citizens, as well as to institutions, to respond responsibly and in solidarity to every situation of violence, because violence must not be accepted even as a form conflict resolution, not even as part of family relations.
Link to the Program: https://ravnopravnost.org.rs/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/PROGRAM-za-zastitu-zena-od-nasilja-u-APV-2023-2026.pdf
Free photo database: https://novinarkeprotivnasilja.org/izvestavamo-eticki/no-baza/no-foto-obuka/(Edited)Restore original
(Author of photo: Lenka Pavlović)