A festival was held in Romania/Valcanj Municipality

On Wednesday 30.11. and Thursday 1 December 2022. A two-day cultural tradition festival called “Bal Valkanjaca” was held in the municipality of Valkanj (Romania). During the festival, numerous visitors could enjoy song, dance and music of the region with a mixed cultural heritage, a rich program for children and exhibitions of old military uniforms and equipment.

The activities are part of the project called “Cultural tradition of the region Valkanj – Novi Kneževac for the purpose of promoting tourism in the historical Banat” and are co-financed by the European Union through the Intereg IPA cross-border cooperation program Romania-Serbia.

For more photos, visit the facebook station via project link: https://www.facebook.com/Cultour-Promocije-turizma-u-istorijskim-Banatu-102380979202470