LED billboard installed in Novi Kneževac

As part of the activities of the project: “Cultural tradition of the Valkanj-Novi Kneževac region for the purpose of promoting tourism in the historical Banat”, an LED billboard was installed today in the center of Novi Kneževac in the pedestrian zone. According to the members of the project team of the Municipality of Novi Kneževac, this modern type of advertising should improve the information of the citizens and visitors of Novi Kneževac about the happenings in our populated areas. In this way, better organization and greater attendance of local events from various spheres that can contribute to the development of the tourism offer of our municipality is expected. This is one of the last activities on the project, which is co-financed by the EU through the Intereg IPA cross-border cooperation program Romania-Serbia. Along with the completion of this, the Municipality of Novi Kneževac is preparing several new project applications within the same program and hopes for a successful outcome in order to continue the good tradition and recognition of Novi Kneževac as a reliable partner of international funds, and for the benefit of the local community and the even development of the region.