

14th North Banat Meeting of Folklore Creativity

The traditional, 14th Northern Banat Meeting of Folklore Creativity, organized by the Cultural Association “Tiszagyongye”, was officially opened, on the square in the center of Novi Kneževac, by Zoltan Kudlik, Provincial Secretary for Culture Assistant. The meeting of folklore creativity…

New tourist potential on the route

Within the other project of the Interreg IPA cross-border cooperation program Romania – Serbia entitled ” Enhancing Tourism in Banat Crossborder Area by Capitalizing of the Potential of Parta and Majdan Archeological Sites” – PAMA-ROSE RORS-463, the tourist offer of…

Completion of the CULTOUR project

The municipality of Novi Kneževac organized last Wednesday, April 12, 2023, a press conference of the project: “Cultural tradition of the region Valkanj – Novi Kneževac for the purpose of promoting tourism in the historical Banat”. Project reference number: RORS-395,…

LED billboard installed in Novi Kneževac

As part of the activities of the project: “Cultural tradition of the Valkanj-Novi Kneževac region for the purpose of promoting tourism in the historical Banat”, an LED billboard was installed today in the center of Novi Kneževac in the pedestrian…

A festival was held in Romania/Valcanj Municipality

On Wednesday 30.11. and Thursday 1 December 2022. A two-day cultural tradition festival called “Bal Valkanjaca” was held in the municipality of Valkanj (Romania). During the festival, numerous visitors could enjoy song, dance and music of the region with a…

Promotional video of the CULTOUR project

As part of the project “Cultural tradition of the region Valkanj – Novi Kneževac for the purpose of promoting tourism in the historical Banat”, promo shots of tourist potentials on the cross-border route of Northern Banat were made. We hope…

Festival in Romania/Valcanj Municipality

On Wednesday 30th of November and Thursday 1st of December 2022. A two-day festival of cultural tradition called “Bal Valkanjaca” will be held in the municipality of Valkanj (Romania). During the festival, visitors will be able to enjoy in dance,…

Date set for the festival in Romania

The project partners, the municipality of Valkanj and the municipality of Novi Kneževac, after a series of successfully implemented project activities, will going to realize a festival of cultural tradition hosted by the municipality of Valkanj (Romania). The festival will…

“Culfest” was held in Novi Kneževac

“Culfest” was held in Novi Kneževac on 15th of Julay as part of the project “Using cultural traditions from Valcani-Novi Knezevac region for the promotion of tourism in historical Banat” which is co-financed by EU funds through the Interreg IPA…